Blastoise is a Water-type Pokemon with a catch rate of 45 (5.9% with Pokeball, full HP). Below is a description of the move stats of some of the moves that gamers can use on the battlefield.
Level-1: Move: Tackle, Type: Normal, Category: Physical, Power: 40, Accuracy: 100
Level-9, Move: Rapid Spin, Type: Normal, Category: Physical, Power: 50, Accuracy: 100
Level-30, Move: Aqua Tail, Type: Water, Category: Physical, Power: 90, Accuracy: 90
Level-56, Move: Wave Crash, Type: Water, Category: Physical, Power: 120, Accuracy: 100
Blastoise has many moves, but it has two former signature moves, Skull Bash and Hydro Cannon. Players use Blastoise pokemon in battles because it has good defense and attack power in battles.